Words in deep blue /

Crowley, Cath,

Words in deep blue / Cath Crowley. - London : Hodder Children's Books, 2018. - 269 pages ; 20 cm

Originally published: New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2017.

Henry and Rachel were best friends once. Rachel had a huge crush on Henry, but that was before she moved away, before her brother Cal drowned. Now, Henry works in his father's bookstore, Howling Books, with the famous 'letter library', a section of the shop where customers are encouraged to circle words and leave love letters inside their favourite books. When Rachel returns from by the sea, the place that took her brother, she starts working beside Henry. At the book shop, she must gain strength from the bond she shares with Henry - and from the written word. Bit by bit, Rachel realises that to build a future, she must look to the words people have left behind.

9781444907896 (pbk.) : £7.99

Young adult fiction.
Older Teenage Fiction.
