Irish High Crosses /

Richardson, Hilary

Irish High Crosses / An Introduction - Dublin, Ireland Mercier Press 1990 - pbk 152p 23cm

This book provides a comprehensive look at the magnificant high crosses of Ireland, which belong to a period stretching from the seventh to the twelfth centuries. Fortunately, the crosses have survived the ravages of time and remain a living part of the Irish landscape, reminding us of a time when Christianity was the driving force behind patronage of the arts. The most remarkable and attractive of all the monuments dotted around the Irish countryside, they are also of international importance in early medevial art. They wer ecarved at a timein western Europe when there was little opportunity to commission or produce work of a monumental character, indeed the crosses of IReland and Britain are virtually the only elaborate free-standing monuments of the early Middle Ages in all of the west of Europe. In this attractive and informative book, the salient features and individual characteristics of Ireland's high crosses are documented, and an illustrated catalogue of them is provided. The crosses are also brought to life with a large collection of photographs which illustrate the variety and complexity of these monuments and allow them to speak for themselves.

9780853429548 0.00 0853429545 9780853429548

High Crosses